As a small business owner, you’ve got many processes and procedures in place, not to mention lots of outward-facing marketing efforts, like your LinkedIn profile or your website. Over time, it’s easy to look at them, without really seeing them. That can be a problem, particularly as your business evolves. Read on to check out three ways to keep a fresh eye on those things. QUESTION PAST DECISIONS Decisions we made about how to do something three or five years ago may no longer apply today. Software solutions are invented all the time. Maybe your business focus has shifted. Or, maybe there is an easier, less expensive solution available now. LOOK CLOSELY AT THE PARTS OF YOUR BUSINESS THAT ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU The other day, a friend noticed a typo in her email newsletter that had literally been there for years – how could that happen? To avoid this, I suggest you do a scan of the parts of your business you may be taking for granted. If you’re about to give a presentation you’ve given many times already, review it closely one more time. Look at your website – every page – and make sure all the buttons and links your potential clients might be clicking are working as they should. KNOW THAT THE BUCK STOPS WITH YOU I’ve heard many times from business owners: “I don’t know how that works, so and so set it up for me.” That’s fine, nobody expects you to know how the technology was set up, let alone how to make modifications to it. But it is critical to check the work you outsource and make sure you understand what is supposed to happen when. Then document it, so you can look back later on and check again! It’s easy to fall into a comfortable groove when running your own business. That can be a good thing; just make sure your eyes remain wide open!
When you have a website things change, nothing stays the same for long; possibly on your site it does, yes, but on others you link to, maybe not. CHECK YOUR LINKS It is sometimes a little shocking to see the number of broken links I find. But I guess sometimes it makes sense – some of them were put there years ago when the website was first launched. Make sure that when a link takes somebody off your site (i.e. to a book you mention) that it “opens a new tab” in the browser. This way your website visitor can easily click back to your site and keep looking around. Making this happen is just a simple setting when creating the link. READ EVERY PAGE Yes, read every single page on your site. Does it represent you? Is your message clear? Could someone reading your site understand why they would want to work with you? Is your phone number on your contact page (really, I have seen this missing in the past)? If you have relaunched your website then read every blog post too. Some might have spacing issues, font discrepancies, links that were different colours than your website’s colour scheme now. Some probably just need to be taken down because they no longer make sense. It might take some time, but it is worth it to be confident that every page looks consistent. GET GREAT GRAPHICS Take a close look, I mean, a really close look, at the graphics on your website. Is your logo fuzzy (pixelated)? Do you have images with a white background instead of transparent on pages that have a coloured background? How old is your headshot? Are you using bland stock photos? Time to upgrade if any of this is you. CHECK YOUR PHONE More than half of the visitors to your site will do so on a phone – make sure your site looks good and is easily readable. REVIEW YOUR DASHBOARD Take a look at the back-end of your website (or get a qualified professional to do it with you). Are there plugins that you aren’t using that might be slowing things down? Keep your website running smoothly by paying attention to these important details. Remember that for most people your website is the first place where they will form an impression of you and your business. Take steps now to make sure the impression is a good one! |
AuthorHi, I am Marion of Marion Metz Solutions Archives
February 2025